When I met with Chad and Holly about photographing their wedding, I would have never thought things would turn out the way they did! Their engagement session was lots of fun. Holly’s bridal portrait session was on Wednesday, just 2 days before the wedding. (View Holly’s Bridal Portraits: https://richbell.com/hollys-bridal-portraits/) We spoke about plans for the wedding, specifics about the timeline and other plans for the day. Then on Friday, I got a call from Holly’s mom, Neva. I knew immediately by the tone of her voice something very serious was wrong. She told me Chad was in a serious car accident early that morning, in which he flipped his car 4 times! He has a fractured his L1 vertabrae, so he couldn’t stand or even sit up. Somehow they convinced the hospital to transport Chad to the Francis Marion Hotel, so he and Holly could get married. The ceremony was Chad’s hotel suite surrounded by their parents, the wedding party, a videographer, Mell Bell and myself, with Melanie Epps Murray performing the ceremony. Chad and Holly then spend some time together, while the wedding party walked in to the processional. Guests sat waiting for the ceremony to start, some of them not knowing anything about the accident. The Officiant then told everyone the news and the video was played. There were many tears shed watching the video of Chad and Holly say their I Do’s just minutes before upstairs. Permanent Vacation played Metallica’s “Enter Sandman” as the wedding party and all Virginia Tech Grads ran with Holly (just like when the football team takes the field)! Holly was surrounded by family and friends showing their love and support, while others went upstairs to see Chad. Holly was so strong through the night. She was overwhelmed about cutting the cake without Chad. So her sister wiped her tears and the brides maids joined her to cut the cake and feed Holly her bite of cake. Everyone danced and had a fabulous time, watching Holly and her bridesmaids join the band onstage. What a night… Chad and Holly truly showed what it means when you say the vows, for better or worse, in sickness and in health… Congratulations Holly Ryffel and Chad Dennis, your love is beautiful!